4 Lessons We Can Learn From Doing Business With The Japanese Specialists

Are you doing business with the Japanese? Do you want to know how it is doing business with the Japanese specialists? Let’s delve in!

The conditions don’t need to be given to achieve success, and succeed, despite the many obstacles and difficulties that are encountered along the way, is something that we can take as a fact. While many of us blame circumstances for not doing business with the Japanese or doing something, and we look for a thousand ways to justify ourselves, countless examples around the world manage to overcome situations that, more than complex, could seem impossible to us.

As if that were not enough, japan is a country, an island to be more exact, in which its inhabitants have had to fight and constantly face adversity and the most challenging situations anyone could imagine. Natural disasters, nuclear devastation, and two world wars have been part of this country’s past and present. Today, its economy is among the three most powerful and not for nothing. Japan is considered a model for the world in different aspects.

That is why given the magnitude of what it means for a country to become a power and be considered an example in many ways for the world. Doing business with Japanese specialists is worth analyzing by learning some lessons this Asian nation can bring us.

The following, for example, are some that we can learn doing business with the Japanese at a business level, although, of course, we can also apply them to our lives:

  1. Instead of looking to win at the expense of the other party losing, focus on how everyone can win.

While in many countries, the “business is business” marks the conduct and attitude that should be assumed when facing a negotiation in many or most cases, for the Japanese, transparency, and integrity are fundamental values within their culture, and that, of course, includes business. 

According to what they say, being well (acting honestly and sincerely), together with doing well (precisely doing the job), results in well-being (self-realization), which in turn will bring good having (financial reward).

  • It is more important to be disciplined than to be innovative.

There is a famous saying in Japan that, sooner or later, discipline overcomes intelligence. In a country where the majority of people share this belief to the point that we could say that it is embedded in the DNA of each of its inhabitants, it is not that the majority of Japanese are geniuses as many people may think; they are disciplined. So doing business with the Japanese is always a win-win

  • There is always a better way to do things.

Especially at work, the Japanese have always been obsessed with finding the best way to do things. So much so that they have been in charge of creating the famous kaizen method through which both Japanese and foreign companies have improved their productivity and achieved surprising levels of efficiency significantly.

It would be best if you always considered how you could improve your processes and, in general, do business with Japanese specialists, seeking greater efficiency and continuous improvement.

Japan uses a saying: “Today you work better than yesterday but worse than tomorrow.”

  • Reinvesting is key to growth.

While in many places, it is normal for a company to start distributing dividends among its partners as soon as it starts to turn a profit, and little is spent reinvesting in it (if there is anything left over). One of the reasons why Japanese companies are great motors of the economy is because the priority, especially during the first years of being launched, is to reinvest in the company to consolidate and strengthen it.

So, to achieve this purpose by doing business with Japanese specialists, the founders of a company may receive significant benefits once it gains sufficient stability and guarantees sure sustainability in the future that allows it to generate substantial benefits regularly. Although this may take time and implies making sacrifices in the short term, it can be very beneficial for both the company and its partners in the medium or long term.
