Redditor Viral Giving "Pregnant" Woman Nonalcoholic Drinks

Redditor Viral Giving “Pregnant” Woman Nonalcoholic Drinks

Redditor Viral Giving “Pregnant” Woman Nonalcoholic Drinks

If you are at a restaurant, don’t be surprised if we ask you, Is your order served correctly to you? Yes, you heard it right.

Usually, when we order something at a restaurant, it is expected that we are getting the same thing we ordered. Assuming anything about anybody may create problems. Why? Read on…

Something weird happened with a server in a restaurant, he shared the story on Reddit, about his decision to serve a “pregnant” woman nonalcoholic drinks all night.

The Redditor was serving cocktails to a group of four women, and he misheard “14 weeks along” from one of the women in that group and assumed her “pregnant”.

According to Allure, the waiter served non-alcoholic drinks to the woman he thought was pregnant. Later, this non-pregnant woman came back to the restaurant after seeing the word “virgin” cocktails on her receipts.

She got enraged and warned the waiter that his action could “get the restaurant in serious trouble for discrimination.”

The Redditor story had gone viral since he shared it on Reddit.
