Bash from Verizon and Google – Soon to offer Subscribers YouTube TV

Bash from Verizon and Google – Soon to offer Subscribers- YouTube TV

Verizon is set to announce a partnership with Google which will provide new subscribers access to YouTube TV.

YouTube TV will be available to Verizon wireless, Fios and 5G customers. According to reports telecommunication companies want their consumers to experience this new technology and the enhanced speed. Verizon was first to bring 5G services to consumers and now it is hoping to be the first for consumers to have more programming on the platform they are using at present, so they can expand their 5G services.

YouTube TV is a tremendously huge platform that has more than 70 broadcasting cable networks that have access. Those who subscribe can have six accounts. Subscriber will have the capability to hold unlimited personal DVR space.

Verizon wants to provide unique offers and promotions to the consumer while enlarging its own network. Further details are yet to be announced by the company in the upcoming month.
