Stranger Things Have Happened.... Oh and There's a New Stranger Things Season 4 Trailer

Stranger Things Have Happened…. Oh and There’s a New Stranger Things Season 4 Trailer

Well, let the hype begin! Stranger Things Season 4 just dropped a new teaser yesterday, and it looks to be a fun addition.

The trailer is full of a lot of the things that we’ve come to love Stranger Things for. Stellar character camaraderie, soft horror SciFi elements and a (not too surprising) character return.

That’s right folks, much to the surprise of a very few, David Harbours character is returning. Undoubtedly Harbour was one of the better parts of the last 3 seasons, so seeing that he’s coming back is a wonderful show of confidence.

Time will tell if this show is becoming a gimmick. While I can only speak for a minority, I miss the more horror esque X-Files feel of the first two seasons. Hopefully the stronger focus on the Russian wilderness will provide a more tense story this time around.

What did you guys think of the trailer? Enjoy it, loathe it? Do you even watch Stranger Things? Be sure to leave us a comment and check out our YouTube channel for more!
