Apple Plans to Reopen Stores Pretty Soon - Next Week Will See Apple Openings

Apple Plans to Reopen Stores Pretty Soon – Next Week Will See Apple Openings

Apple has been relatively quiet in terms of reopening plans. Well, if you were worried about Apple not reopening, you’re in luck because they shared some optimistic news.

Earlier in March Apple announced that it was shutting down all of it’s stores outside of Greater China. As the pandemic raged further and further on, they increased the closure length a few times over. Now, there’s finally an optimistic outlook.

In a statement to TechRepublic, Apple made the announcement official.

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“We’re excited to begin reopening stores in the US next week, starting with some stores in Idaho, South Carolina, Alabama, and Alaska. Our team is constantly monitoring local health data and government guidance, and as soon as we can safely open our stores, we will.”

The stores are planning to adhere to social distancing measures. Which vary state by state, so most stores will require face masks and limited capacity, so don’t plan an excursion anytime soon.

Hopefully this is a good sign for the times. With many countries reporting dwindling case numbers and reopenings happening across the world. Optimism is certainly becoming a more valuable currency than it has been in a few long months.


What do you make of Apple’s decision to reopen stores? Do you think that it’s premature or do you think that it is a good call? Let us know what you think in the comments!


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