Colorado To Announce Each New Case of Coronavirus As They Come Up

Colorado To Announce Each New Case of Coronavirus As They Come Up

With more and more states announcing their first cases of COVID-19 over the past few days, Colorado is taking measures to ensure the public stays informed as much as possible. The goal is to streamline the flow of information as it appears.

When the state lab confirms a positive test, they will notify the governor’s office, the local public health agency, the provider, and the media, according to Eric France, the state’s medical chief officer, in a letter to local agencies.

As of yesterday, there have been eight positive tests in Colorado, with 69 of them still pending. Two people in Denver, two in Douglas County, one in El Paso County, and one in Eagle County had tested positive. On Thursday, a Douglas County resident and a man visiting Summit County from California both tested positive.

Many of the patients had recently traveled overseas, two of them together, but officials say that there is no known connection between any of the other cases.

The state health officials say that they have been preparing for the global outbreak for quite a few weeks, and are prepared to handle the cases as they come up. They also encourage the public to not change plans or avoid going outside in public, but to be sure and practice safe habits such as washing your hands and moving away from someone who may be coughing or sneezing.
