Huawei technologies lose the case against US Chip designer

Huawei technologies lose the case against US Chip designer

A US jury on Wednesday discharged California semiconductor designer CNEX labs Inc of a burglary the trade secrets from a Chinese electronics Company Huawei Technologies Co Ltd, per a report obtained by Reuters

Reportedly CNEX was accused by Huawei Technologies in US district court, in Sherman Texas for exploiting of trade secrets including a memory control technology and trespassing on its employees. The judges declined all allegations on CNEX.

CNEX filed a countersuit against Huawei acting as a customer, claiming that the company has stolen their technology and charged a pattern by Huawei to breach other’s secrets. Huawei was found guilty but awarded no damages.

The US has forbidden its agencies to make any purchase from Huawei telecommunication equipment and also prohibited other US Companies from doing any business deal with Huawei, declaring the firm is a threat to national security.
