Small Scale Business Ideas for Housewives with Low Investment

Small Scale Business Ideas for Housewives with Low Investment

Being a housewife can be a lonely, monotonous job. If you are an educated woman working or studying, taking a break from work to be at home can be a waste of time. But what if you could make some extra cash while also making your life as a housewife more interesting? That’s where small scale business ideas for housewives come in!

If you are a housewife looking for some business ideas to start, this post is for you. You might think it’s too late to start a business after your kids have grown up and you have retired. But this is not true. You can start a small scale business by investing just Rs 50,000.

It is the best time to start a business because your kids are grown up now, and you are no longer dependent on them for anything. Also, you can manage your home and business simultaneously without any problem whatsoever.

We have listed some business ideas for housewife with low investment.

Home-based Sweets Shop

You can start a sweets shop from home if you have some cooking skills, and you can buy readymade sweets from the market and sell them at your place. This will help you earn extra income and keep you occupied during your free time while managing your household chores effectively, as well as making money at the same time!

Meal Delivery Service

If you love to cook, consider starting a meal-delivery service or opening a catering business. You can sell your food at local farmers markets or restaurants or even sell frozen meals in bulk online. This is something that most people need to realize: buying in bulk is cheaper than buying fresh ingredients every week! Make sure you get good quality ingredients and use them before they expire so that your customers get top-notch food every time.

Homemade Items

Another idea is starting an online store selling handmade items like jewelry or clothing made by other women in your community who are also looking for work from home opportunities like this one! You could also offer graphic design or web design services if you have any experience with those kinds of things (if not, there are plenty of ways to learn).

Sell Homemade Goods Online

You can sell everything from baked goods to soap and even jewelry on eBay or Etsy! These sites are great because they have huge audiences interested in your products, and they’ll help you set up shop quickly, so you’re ready to go when customers knock down your door (or click on “buy now”). This is another new business ideas for housewives who want to do something creative!

Gift Baskets or Hand Crafts

Everyone loves a gift basket full of goodies! If you can put together unique gift baskets with items from your favorite stores or handmade goods, this could be a great way to make some extra money while also giving people gifts they’ll love!

If you like making crafts at home and think people would love to buy them from you at affordable prices, then start selling them online or locally in your neighborhood. This is one of the low investment business ideas for housewives.

Beauty Parlor

Beauty parlors are always in demand and have a great scope for growth. If you have an eye for detail and can manage the work, this is the best option for starting a beauty parlor. It’s always better to start a beauty parlor when it’s not crowded in your area, as there will be no competition, and you’ll get more customers. You can also hire some people if needed. The only thing that may be difficult here is marketing your services online, but this can be done easily with the help of social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram, etc.

Pet Grooming services

If you love pets and want to care for them at home, why not start a pet grooming service? People need pet grooming services, especially when their pets get dirty or messy due to weather changes or other reasons like parties, so if you’re good at grooming pets, then start one today!


Farming is one of the best business ideas for educated housewives to make money if you have land, but even if you don’t have land, there are other ways to go about it, like selling fruits and vegetables door-to-door or holding vegetable stalls in the market every week. You can also
