study of huawei finds link to spy

Study Of Huawei Finds Link To Spy

Study Of Huawei Finds Link To Spy

An investigation analyzing 25,000 Huawei resumes discovered connections between Huawei workers and Chinese military and intelligence agencies.

Christopher Balding, a researcher of the Fulbright University Vietnam, had collected more than 590 million Chinese resumes and dragged the Huawei employees resumes.

He found nearly 25000 resumes belong to current or former Huawei employees, and over 100 people had experience in national security.

Huawei is right now occupied with a battle with the US. The battle is about whether it goes about as a channel through which the Chinese government can spy. Huawei refutes this allegation.

While the examination isn’t decisive, it is probably going to further intensify tension about the Chinese tech mammoth.

Balding says that they will need some months to conclude the research and post a comprehensive study.

Business Insider reports that Huawei said it was suspicious of the findings. Huawei told The Financial Times that, “We hope that any further research papers will not contain less conjecture when drawing their conclusions.”
