TikTok Made a Big Move This Last Week, And Nearly No One Talked About it

TikTok Made a Big Move This Last Week, And Nearly No One Talked About it

To anyone who has an ear to the ground should be well aware that TikTok is essentially a replacement to Vine from back in the day.

Sporting easy to use features, the ability to collab randomly with others and built in lip-syncing technology… I mean it’s basically an app that turns you into Justin Bieber when you break it down.

Either way, it seems that TikTok is here to stay, and it may have just found a very lucrative niche. Enter, New York Fashion Week 2020.

TikTok selected three of their biggest stars to go to New York Fashion Week to drum up interest and showcase the app in a big way. Tyler Gaca, Cosette Rinab and Taylor Hage were all invited to attend the fashionista event and promote themselves.

Which officially makes TikTok a new wave of future content creators. Whether you love or hate the app, it is fair to say that it is here to stay.

When a small name app like this makes this kind of move and can afford this kind of high profile coverage, then you know that you struck gold.

And if things continue at this rate with TikTok, either someone will come along and give them a sizable buyout. Or, TikTok will continue to expand and see itself getting more and more high profile coverage.

While we don’t have a company TikTok, go check us out on our YouTube channel to see more great content from us here at Scoophash!
