20 Ways to Score Freelance Writing Gigs

20 Ways to Score Freelance Writing Gigs

Starting out on a freelance career can be intimidating, as the amount of work available is unknown. You can score a quick gig here and there, but what about the long-run? What about getting the high quality clients who will pay the most?

It may not be a fast process, but we have some tips on how you can increase your chances and speed up building that portfolio to where you can even turn some gigs down!

Cold Pitch

Contact potential client and let them know you are available to elevate their content and material. It’s scary at first, but just remember that it can be a great path to take.

Choosing the right company to reach out to – preferably ones that don’t have a blog or writing section yet – and selling how much better you can make their site is huge in convincing them you are the right person for the job.


Pitch to Job Boards

There are plenty of free job boards you can use to find all the openings and gigs around you. Sending them your resume, your portfolio, and more can help land the best first gig to get you going.

Use these job boards to help find the perfect one for you:
Blogging Pro

Follow Social Media from Job Boards

Social media can be your best friend to find a job. If you can find the right pages and boards to follow, you can find plenty of opportunities to land the best gig.

Ask Friends, Family, and Work

Be sure to talk with your friends, family, and co-workers, and see who among them may know of a position open somewhere. They could have the connection you have been looking for and help you get your foot into the company of your dreams.

Use Your Website

Build a professional-looking website and maintain it. Put all your skills, prior work, and really sell why you should be offered a job. Make it your number one marketing tool to get client’s attention.

Guest Post for Free

We know you are looking for money, but starting out with some unpaid pieces could be your best bet. Someone is going to read that writing, and someone could be part of a company looking to hire someone on to write for them, and PAY THEM. Baby steps, people.



We all know this. Networking and building relationships with other writers is a great way to always be in the forefront of people’s minds. If you keep your relationships up, someone who is told of a job could refer you and get you going. Keep talking!

Warm Pitch

Yes, we told you to cold pitch, and now we are telling you to warm pitch, but you have to work all sides of the issue.

Use social media and other pages like it to interact with businesses in a small way. Follow them and comment on their posts, so that you stay on their radar, and when an opportunity comes up, they can reach out to you.

Say You’re for Hire

It may seem obvious, but be sure to mention on your profiles to say you are for hire. Some potential clients may not know you have time to take on more projects, and it helps other freelancers know your availability as well.

Contact Web Design Companies

Going to a location, physically, is a good idea but can take a lot of time out of your day. But visiting online web design companies, who have a full list of clients in need of writers, and letting them know you’re available can be a great way to get someone’s attention.

Pitch Your Story

For many freelancers, they stick to writing a story and then selling it to a publication. This can be lucrative, but also inconsistent. It all depends on who you are selling to. Be sure to search for “publication pay submission” or something like that to find the right places.


Join Facebook Groups

Plenty of people use Facebook to find prospective hires, and by joining multiple groups you can make sure you are casting a wide net out there. Always put yourself out there so people know they can come to you for work.

Ask for a Referral

This really only applies to people who have already had a gig.

But if you have, then asking for a referral is a great way to show your next client that you bring great results.

Try Craigslist

It has a bad reputation, but there are still some solid gigs to be found on Craigslist. And if you narrow your searches down to high-population areas like New York or Los Angeles, those will be areas with higher paid possibilities.

Pitch to Sites that Pay Writers

Keep pitching yourself to any and all chances you find. Odds are, you will eventually land one that is paid, and from there, it can snowball, bringing in a more consistent flow of income.

Use LinkedIn

LinkedIn has a great job board for you to use and find the perfect fit. You search for specific criteria, reach out to clients, and more, all from the comfort of your couch!

Use a (Small) Content Agency

Using a smaller content agency can bring you better pay, more opportunities, and better odds of one-on-one training and support. These can help you find the right jobs for you.


Use a Freelance Writers Directory

These places do exist and they are great at helping you to keep putting yourself out there for people to find. Your information, talents, and what you bring to the table can be readily available for anyone looking to hire.


Yes, Reddit.

There are a ton of opportunities on this website for gigs, with places like r/HireAWriter containing plenty of jobs you can go for.

“WOW” Your Clients

Really bringing your A-game to the work that you get means helping your reputation and odds of having your clients recommend you to others. Never slouch on what you do and make sure that every project is given your full potential.


With these tips, you’ll be finding those writing jobs in no time and bringing in a consistent cash-flow. At the heart of it: put yourself out there and someone will notice your talents.

For all your business tips and more, be sure to check back in here with ScoopHash.
