Dead Facebook Users Might Outnumber Living Users By 2100

Dead Facebook Users Might Outnumber Living Users By 2100

In 50 years the dead users might outnumber the living ones on Facebook.

According to researchers at Oxford University, today Facebook has more than 2 billion users and as per estimation, 8000 people die every day.

The researchers found that in the next few decades millions of dead profiles will be added to facebooks’ network & by 2100 facebook will have as many as 5 billion dead users.

Even if there is no user growth at the site until then the number of dead users could still reach 1.4 billion, with almost half of those 1.4 billion dead profiles based out of Asia.

If Facebook’s user base continues to grow at its present rate every year, researchers projected the dead would outnumber the living by 2100.

In that case, most of those dead profiles will belong to African Countries particularly Nigeria.

Facebook told CNBC that the company is collaborating with experts’ to help preserve users digital legacies.