Ditch the Party: Family Gives Grandfather a Surprise Birthday Parade

Ditch the Party: Family Gives Grandfather a Surprise Birthday Parade

Social distancing wasn’t enough to keep this family from celebrating the birthday of their grandfather.

Alfred Vecoli, who turns 92 on Monday, wasn’t going to be able to have a birthday celebration, having eight children, 14 grandchildren, and 15 great grandchildren. A party of that size would easily break CDC guidelines for social distancing.

So the family decided to surprise him with something else.

On Sunday, family members decorated their vehicles with balloons, signs, and banners, all wishing him a happy birthday. They then decided to drive down Vecoli’s street, honking and wishing him a happy birthday. Everyone was sure to stay in their seats and keep a good distance between each other.

As the parade passed his houde, Vecoli was truly surprised before tears and smiles of gratitude came across his face.

This is one of our favorite ways we have seen people spread the love during this time.

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