On Prime Day New Yorkers Tell Jeff Bezos To Do Better

On Prime Day New Yorkers Tell Jeff Bezos To Do Better

On Prime Day New Yorkers Tell Jeff Bezos To Do Better

On Amazon Prime Day, around 100 New Yorkers released a petition signed by 275,000 people to CEO Jeff Bezos $80 million new penthouse apartment.

Per Gizmodo, the petition demands broad change from the company because of alleged awful working conditions of the employees and, its’ relationship with Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

The 275,000 signatures were parted into seven different petitions. Amazon’s coziness with law enforcement and/or ICE was blamed in each of the petitions.

Inside the foyer of 212 5th Avenue, only five protesters were allowed to leave the petition for Bezos.

Protestors were not allowed in the building, and the company didn’t send any representative to receive the second set of petitions.
