Pregnant Women's Unborn Child Are At A Risk Of Heart Defects From Oil Refineries

Pregnant Women’s Unborn Child Are At A Risk Of Heart Defects From Oil Refineries

Pregnant Women’s Unborn Child Are At A Risk Of Heart Defects From Oil Refineries

UPI reports pregnant women who live near gas wells and oil refineries could be placing their unborn child in danger.

Per new research, their babies are at risk of developing pulmonary artery, aortic artery, and valve defects.

There is 40% to 70% higher probability to have babies with heart defects for pregnant women living near oil and gas developments area.

Lisa McKenzie, a researcher at the University of Colorado and study seniors author, say, “We observed more children were being born with a congenital heart defect in areas with the highest intensity of oil and gas well activity.”

A study with more than 3,300 infants born in Colorado between 2005 and 2011 had concluded that children, who were born near oil and gas activity area were at more risk of the aortic artery, conotruncal, tricuspid valve, and other heart defects.

Research in 2014 also showed a connection between the growth of congenital heart defects cases and mothers with newborns, living within 10 miles of a gas wells.
