YouTubers Union Demands Google Show More Transparency

YouTubers Union Demands Google Show More Transparency

YouTubers Union Demands Google Show More Transparency

According to Business Insider, The YouTubers Union, a community-based movement that supports YouTube creators and users, teams up with Europe’s largest trade union to start a new campaign called “FairTube.”

Both are demanding YouTube’s parent company Google provide more transparency, as YouTube has done various changes on the platform without informing YouTubers.

One of the Leaders of YouTubers Union said that 2 years ago YouTube has “turned a dream job into a nightmare” referring to issue when hundreds of brands removed their ads from YouTube.

Many independent creators make a living from this platform, and many small creators feel that ads were eliminated from their videos without prior notice and no clear explanation.

“FairTube” campaign wants clear explanations from YouTube about why a video has been demonetized and exactly which clips have violated guidelines.

YouTube has been given four weeks to respond to their demands.
