10 Games to Play While Social Distancing

10 Games to Play While Social Distancing

We’re all indulging ourselves in a little anti-social behavior right now while the coronavirus outbreak continues. Some of us may even be self-quarantining ourselves.

We believe that this doesn’t have to be a completely bad situation and think we can all find ways to entertain ourselves in it. We love games and we know many of you do too, so we can take this time to catch up on those games we have been wanting to play for awhile.

For those of you who don’t have a backlog and need some advice on what to play, we’ve got you covered. Here are 10 games you can play right now to help take your mind off of coronavirus:

Destiny 2

We love Destiny 2 here. For all its flaws and faults, we can’t get enough of Bungie’s shared-world looter shooter.

The new season for the game just launched so there are plenty of new quests and activities for you to dive into in the game. The new Seraph Tower event could be a great way to spend your time, and the social aspect of the game can help you cope with not going outside.

Halo: Combat Evolved

Speaking of Bungie, why not dive into where it all began for the company and play one of the most iconic games in history?

It’s the perfect time to dive back in with the game’s recent release on PC as past of the Master Chief Collection. The game still holds up today with some tight controls, great level design, and amazing music. While the graphics may look rather dated, there is still a phenomenal time to be had in this game. Diving into the multiplayer is a great way to spend countless hours as well, even as you rage at getting no-scoped for the hundredth time.


Want to play something that mirrors the way you feel right now?

Bioshock is a truly isolating experience. Exploring the underwater world of Rapture can feel suffocating at times, the tight, dark corridors are claustrophobic, and the game is just a masterpiece. It is a great way to immerse yourself in a world and lose yourself for hours.

It’s not really a timely game, necessarily, we just love it. So you should play it.

Resident Evil 2 Remake

With the remake of the third game right around the corner, now is a great time to dive into the previous game.

This remake was more than just an update to graphics and faster load times; it was a full-on reworking of the game, changing the gameplay of it, and refining the mechanics that were outdated. The result was a phenomenal experience of exploring a city as it falls to a zombie outbreak. The action is tense, the graphics are gorgeous, and it has enough of that bizarre Resident Evil charm that keeps you coming back for more.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Man, what a game!

The critically-acclaimed, fan-praised, and often-memed RPG from CD Projekt Red is a true masterclass of game design, from front to back. Playing the role of Geralt of Rivia as he takes on countless quests and slays a plethora of monsters is one of the most addicting experiences we have ever had in games. The two DLC packs that you can get with it are also pretty much standalone games on their own.

The sheer amount of content you can explore is incredible. It is sure to last you however long you want to stay inside.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

We all love Star Wars here, and while the newer movies are certainly divisive, one new property from the franchise that had everyone praising it was this game.

An addicting blend of Uncharted-esque exploration and Dark Souls difficulty and combat made a truly unique experience, and probably the best way to you can feel like a Jedi. Its implementation of force powers makes you feel all kinds of powerful, and makes the experience one worth going through from beginning to end.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

We know that the CoD franchise is somewhat overdone at this point, but we can’t deny that the newest entry in the series is one hell of a good time.

The single player campaign is one of the best in years for the series, the multiplayer is fast-paced and addicting, and with the new release of the battle royale, Warzone, there is so much to do in the game. Even if you haven’t played a game in the franchise for awhile, this is a perfect time to get back into it.

NBA 2K20

Okay, so let’s get this out of the way: yes, the microtransactions in this game are little ridiculous. We won’t argue that. But we don’t have any live sports to watch right now!

If you can get past the absurd microtransactions, you will find what is arguably the most authentic basketball experience you can have in gaming. You can play as not only the current rosters of teams, but some of the classic teams of yore. Ever wanted to see Lebron James duke it out with Larry Bird? You can make that happen. Plus, the ability to create your own players and build your own kind of superteam is ridiculously fun. Want to make a team with three Michael Jordans? Go for it.

Divinity: Original Sin 2

We love this game.

Much like The Witcher 3, this game is going give you something to do for a LONG time. The strategy-based combat is thrilling when you pull off the perfect plan, and it’s challenging enough to be difficult but not unfair. The writing and dialogue is all charming, the characters are fleshed out, and the world is just a joy to explore.

Plus, you can share your save from PC to Switch, so when you feel like laying down, just boot up your Switch, and play in bed.

Red Dead Redemption II

Yes, we know this game is over a year old now, but we still find ourselves going back to it often.

The story of Arthur Morgan is one of the best stories we have ever seen in any piece of media. There are times where it feels like you are playing a movie, and we mean that in the best way possible. The game is gorgeous and the details of the world are so beautifully done, that you can’t help but get immersed in it all. For newcomers, prepare to love some characters, hate others, and truly feel the emotions being played out in front of you. For returners, there’s still just so much to do that you won’t feel bored.

Plus, the online component has really improved since launch, bringing tons of content to explore with friends and some great moments of chaos to keep you entertained for hours to come.


So there’s our list. All of these games offer you something to keep your mind off of the hard stuff going on around us.

What games will you be playing as you stay indoors this weekend? Let us know in the comments!

And for all your gaming news and more, be sure to check back in here at ScoopHash!
