LEGO Masters Builds A Great Start!

LEGO Masters Builds A Great Start!

If you had told younger me that in the year of 2020 there would be a show about constructing elaborate LEGO sets on network TV, I’d say; “about time”.

LEGO has been in the hearts and hands of just about every child born in the 80s and 90s. The ever popular construction sets have certainly had their ups and downs. However, this is a definitive high point for the prolific company!

The titular show on Fox focuses on a set group of competitors tasked with completing a set objective. That could be anything from a themed build like the upcoming Space theme, to completely off the cuff creations!

Worthy of note is that LEGO picked the perfect time to agree to this show, with Disney acquiring Fox studios. This has put LEGO in a great place financially and will no doubt show a huge increase in demands for LEGO sets as well as stock for the growing company.

Not only did LEGO Masters make a large impression with us here, but it actually provided some incredibly solid foundations for LEGO! Bringing in a 1.64 rating among adults 18 – 46 and attracting more than 4 millions viewers!

With the added bonus of the LEGO Batman voice actor Will Arnett hosting the show. It seems that one of the newest fascinations on Network TV will be that of LEGO Masters!


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