One of the most underrated comic book films is now available to stream!

Batman V Superman Ultimate Cut Lands on HBO Max – Fans Have a Field Day

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Arguably one of the most unappreciated movies in the last decade, Batman V Superman is back. HBO Max, which is bringing lots of attention for the upcoming Snyder Cut, now features another Zack Snyder movie. The Ultimate Cut for Batman V Superman is on the streaming service.

If you’re not familiar with the Ultimate Cut of BvS, it’s very similar to the Snyder Cut. Essentially, it’s the Director’s Cut showing the version of the movie that Zack Snyder originally planned. Featuring way more fleshed out characters, more consistent tone and more harsh violence/language. Basically, a massive improvement over the theatrical release in every way.

Turns out, we’re not the only ones who agree with that sentiment. Fans on social media are losing it and praising HBO Max for this decision.

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Director’s Cuts Are The New Fascination

Zack Snyder has become pretty much tied to the term Directors Cut over the course of the last couple of years. Whether it’s films like Watchmen which saw nearly a full hour of extra footage tied into it. Arguably it raised the quality of the storytelling and increased fans appreciation of the film overall. 

Sucker Punch, one of the films that most people try to ignore, even gets improved by its extended cut. Maybe not to an extent that we’d recommend watching it, but it’s still a nice improvement over the original.

Even his films like 300 get better with extended director’s cuts. He’s just proven that he understands filmmaking on a different level, but gets hamstrung by studio meddling and normalcy. 

No exception to the rule, Batman V Superman’s Ultimate Cut is a massive improvement over the original cut. 

It is interesting to see how many peaks and valleys that Director Cuts/Extended Versions have had over the last decade. Back when Lord of the Rings was the big dog, people praised the Extended Versions.

Then, when movies like Watchmen came out, people argued that we didn’t need a three hour superhero movie. And now it has all come full circle, people want longer movies, director cut material and more expressive tones. Maybe it’s just because it’s such an unusual demand for a more casual genre.

Superhero movies like Batman V Superman are something of a rarity. We say this in the nicest way possible, but movies like Civil War and Wonder Woman are extremely easy to follow. They ask deep questions but hide it under bright colors and fast paced story telling.

Whereas filmmakers like Snyder want to make you think and pay attention for 3 plus hours of a runtime. Perhaps it’s not that it’s a rare trait for filmmakers to have, maybe Snyder just has the downside of being a nerd like the rest of us.

Us for one, we say keep going Mr. Snyder! With the news that Ben Affleck may be returning, Ezra Miller’s Flash finally moving forward and TV series like Green Lantern. It’s arguably a great time to be a DC fan, and Snyder may be the voice moving forward.


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