Best Cloud Migration Service Calls For Reduction In Business Costs

Do you know how the best cloud migration service can help in business? Cloud migration represents close to 11% savings for three out of four companies. Today, we will shed light on how the best cloud migration service brings more stability and reliability to the business. 

Let’s discover how the best cloud migration service reduces operating costs.

The Importance Of The Cloud In The Digitalization Of Companies

What is cloud migration? It is a process by which applications are moved from a specific location (usually private servers within the company, called ‘on-premises’) to servers from a public cloud provider.

‘Public cloud’ refers to a type of IT services and infrastructure deployed by third parties. In this cloud, several clients share infrastructure. When this is not the case, the cloud is called private, although the use of mixed or hybrid clouds is becoming more and more frequent.

How Can A Company Migrate To A Public Cloud?

The most straightforward best cloud migration service offers to move data to the public cloud from on-premises.

The first advantage is the reliability of data preservation. The possibility of information loss is almost nil in a public cloud, which has copies of itself and is managed by professionals.

Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, DigitalOcean, Oracle Cloud HCM, and Kamatera are some of the most eminent. It is also possible to migrate from local to public or hybrid servers. How does this work?

A company that has a website, an app can migrate to the public cloud. In this way, access will be faster, more reliable, and at a lower cost. It is at this point that the focus will be placed.

How The Best Cloud Migration Service Reduces Business Costs?

Contracting space on servers is not free. The more data or processes, the higher the cost. And even so, it’s worth it. Why?

Lower Costs For Both Hosted Data And Processed Data

The cost is much higher in local settings than in public and hybrid clouds. Companies, especially SMEs, are unmatched by the economies of scale that exist in data centers. The cost of storing one terabyte on SSDs versus doing it in the cloud is exorbitant in the long run.

The same goes for data processing. Data center infrastructure is optimized while local servers still lag behind. Data centers have advantageous contracts with low electricity prices.

Better Service For Customers, Fewer Leaks

A very high cost for companies is the customer who leaves. The Internet has created an environment of immediacy that has made people more impatient. Users even abandon platforms when load times become too slow. Actually, we are talking about a few seconds of waiting.

The public cloud has a greater response capacity and speed and, therefore, better service for those who use it. An SME with its customer-facing processes in a public cloud will have a significant load advantage over one that hosts its processes locally.

Data Security

There are various levels of data security that impact business costs. The most obvious is the cost of losing data. 93% of businesses that lose their data end up going out in less than five years. 70% in one year. That is, they are critical infrastructure.

There is a rule known as the ‘3-2-1 rule’ that recommends three backups on two different media, with at least one off-site. The public cloud follows this rule and often stores multiple copies in different places. It is more critical in large companies due to the information they handle, but it also applies to SMEs. They can’t afford to expose their customers’ data. The cloud is more reliable than your local servers.

Cost Reduction Of Systems And Others

Public clouds are not just environments where data is stored. They are also an infrastructure capable of hosting processes with their data purification, processing, and conversion programs. Unlike private and on-premises clouds, migrating to the public cloud helps reduce system and other technical costs such as data processing.

3 Common Cloud Migration Mistakes

  1. Cloud Migration is not a trivial process and requires professionals. The shortage of experts is one of the most frequent mistakes when making this migration.
  • Lack of software maintenance or adaptation between platforms.
  • Lack of security problems occur during the migration. It is necessary to assess the risks and plan to minimize them.

Take advantage of the best cloud migration services to start your journey.
