Chadwick Boseman's Latest Video Has Fans Concerned for His Health

Chadwick Boseman’s Latest Video Has Fans Concerned for His Health

Chadwick Boseman, best known for his portrayal of T’Challa/Black Panther, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, posted a video to honor the life o f the late Jackie Robinson, who he played in the film, 42. The video was a touching tribute to the baseball legend, but it has some fans concerned for Boseman.

Twitter has erupted with posts expressing their concern over Boseman looking too thin in the video.

But there are some people who just think the actor is naturally a skinny person, who puts on weight for roles when he needs to.

But the most important thing that shouldn’t be lost in all of this is that in the video, Boseman  announced he would be donating $4.2 million to COIVD-19 aid, specifically for areas that are treating the African-American community.

“I am hearing stories of desperation from people all over the country, and we know our communities are suffering the most and urgently need help. Celebrating #JackieRobinsonDay with the launch of Thomas Tull’s #Operation42, a donation of 4.2 million dollars in personal protective equipment (PPE) to hospitals that service the African American Communities who have been hit the hardest by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Thank you, Jackie, for refusing to accept the world as it is, for showing us that we can make a difference.”

You can check out the video below to see what you think about Boseman’s appearance:

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