Cuomo Shares Rising New York Death Toll, but Shares Good News

Cuomo Shares Rising New York Death Toll, but Shares Good News

Andrew Cuomo, governor to New York, announced that the state’s death toll has surpassed 500, but still had good news to share.

In his announcement, Cuomo said that the death toll has reached 519, up from 385 fatalities reported the day before. He said that this number would continue to go up, and that it was ” …the worst news that I could possibly tell the people of the state of New York.

The number of coronavirus cases in New York has risen above 40,000, which is the most of any state in the country. On the matter, he had this to say: : “…It’s bad news, it’s tragic news, it’s the worst news, but it is not unexpected news, either.”

However, he did have some good news to share with the population: the number of cases has gone from doubling every two-and-a-half days to doubling every four days, showing that the rate of spreading is going down.

This is a small source of good news, as it shows that social distancing and the lockdown orders than have been made are helping stop the spread. It gives hope to the rest of the country, and even the world, that we will be getting through this as long as we keep doign what we are doing and practicing smart actions.

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