Floyd Mayweather to Pay for George Floyd’s Funeral

Floyd Mayweather, former boxing champion, has offered to pay for the funeral services of George Floyd, and the family has accepted.

According to Leonard Ellerbe, the CEO of Mayweather Promotions, has said that the former boxing champion has been in touch with the family, personally. The funeral will be held on June 9th and Mayweather will cover all costs. It will be held in George Floyd’s hometown of Houston, Texas.

According to TMZ, Mayweather will also handle payment for services in Minnesota and North Carolina.

Mayweather, who lives in Las Vegas, has not met the Floyd family yet.

Floyd Mayweather to Pay for George Floyd's Funeral Services

George Floyd, a black man, was killed on May 25th by a police officer, who knelt on Floyd’s neck for almost nine minutes, despite Floyd’s pleas that he couldn’t breathe. The killing quickly went viral, and sparked protests, and eventually riots, across the country.

Protests have been going on for days, and many states have begun to active their National Guard reserves to help law enforcement. President Trump has weighed in on the protests, and it didn’t go over very well, thanks to his quoting of a racist opponent of the civil rights movement.

Mayweather retired from boxing in 2017, and never lost a fight. He is viewed as one of the greatest boxers of his generation, especially for his defense.

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