Harvey Weinstein convicted in New York Trial case

Harvey Weinstein convicted in New York Trial case

Harvey Weinstein’s long career, and explosive fall from grace, have come to an end, as the once-powerful film producer has been found guilty of a criminal sex act in the first degree and rape in the third degree.


The first conviction comes for forcing oral sex on the former Project Runway production assistant, Miriam Haley, in 2006. This sentence carries a minimum of 5 years in prison and a maximum of up to 25 years. His second conviction comes from raping a woman, who has not made clear her wishes for anonymity, in a New York Hotel in 2013.

Weinstein was acquitted of three other charges, including the most serious of the charges: one count of predatory sexual assault which carried the possibility of a life sentence, and an alternative account of rape in the first degree.

After the verdict was delivered by the jury of seven men and five women, Weinstein was handcuffed and remanded into custody. His lawyers requested he be kept in a jail infirmary while he awaits sentencing on March 11th.


This marks the end of what has been a tumultuous time for Hollywood, and the world at large. Weinstein was once a juggernaut in the film industry, having produced many of the the industry’s top hits and amassing 81 Oscars. But that all came crashing down when the accusations were first brought to light and promptly sparking the #MeToo movement.

This verdict is sure to have far-reaching effects on the world, and marks a powerful moment for victims across the country. Weinstein’s actions are not, unfortunately, a contained case; these kinds of atrocious acts are carried out around the world, and until now, have largely been swept under the rug or buried out of fear.

But with this conviction, a new message has been made: that victims do not have to stay silent anymore, that there are those of us who will listen, and that justice can be delivered to those who deserve it.

