Marvel/Disney to Reacquire Daredevil Netflix Rights – Charlie Cox Most Likely Will NOT Return

The Man Without Fear Returns

Both sad news and good news for anyone that was a fan of the Daredevil Netflix series. After the news broke that Disney would be purchasing the rights to most of the Netflix shows, fans wondered where it was going. 

Shortly after that, Disney bought a majority share in Hulu, effectively gaining control of content. Disney then announced that some Marvel shows that would be more mature and violent would make their way there. 

However, before you think that everything is well and good under the sun, there are some more details.

Until they confirm something else, it does appear that Disney is trying their best to stray away from TV-MA content. Previously, the Netflix shows (which were part of the MCU) pushed the envelope with sex, representation and hard violence. Even throwing in a few F-bombs in later seasons.

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With a Changing of the Ruler Comes a Changing of the Guard

Now, Disney has full publishing rights for a Daredevil show. Which includes who they want to star, what they want it to focus on, which platform it will debut on etc. Sadly if you’re like us, you’re really hoping that star Charlie Cox will make a triumphant return.

Unfortunately, Cox has not commented on this update but did confirm he never had any conversations about the MCU. Rumors were swirling that Cox was going to be starring in a Spider-Man film or have an MCU cameo, but Cox shot it down.

Which isn’t saying much, stars of the MCU have traditionally been really good at keeping things close to the chest. All those NDA’s have to have some weight, right?

Personally, we consider Daredevil to be one of the greatest pieces of TV ever made. All three seasons for us are a 10/10, so we’d love to see the cast return in one form or another inside the MCU. If only for recognition by the more casual going audiences, they earned it in our opinion.

What do you make of the news that Daredevil will be finding his way to the MCU? Does that make you happy or do you wish that Netflix had somehow hung onto the rights and made a fourth season? We’re excited to see where he goes, even if it won’t be quite the same.


For more news on Daredevil and updates like this, stay tuned here at Scoophash!
