Netflix's Extraction Review - Intense, bloody and uncharacteristically charismatic!

Netflix’s Extraction Review – Intense, bloody and uncharacteristically charismatic!

With most movie theaters not reopening until sometime in June, you’d be forgiven for not even knowing Chris Hemsworth made a new movie. So if this is the first time you’ve ever heard of this movie, don’t worry it makes sense.

Extraction tells the fictional story of a black ops mercenary who specializes in, well extraction. He can get anyone out of anywhere, but when he’s tasked with rescuing a young kid from terrorists, it gets bad.

The story isn’t exactly novel, it has some melodrama pitfalls and a few standard action movie cliches. While the story does unfortunately hit some of those notes, it executes them with more confidence than most movies. Taking a much more violent and mature approach, sort of like John Wick meets Black Hawk Down.

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Speaking of John Wick, it is very clear that the Russo Brothers took some strong influences from those movies. With consistently strong action set pieces, reliance on practical effects, one takes and and an unrealistically dedicated Chris Hemsworth.

The Action Deserves a Shoutout

Before we move on to Hemsworth, I seriously cannot say how well paced and choreographed the action is. If you thought that movies like John Wick or Mission Impossible could not be outdone, you might be surprised.

Now, going backwards, Hemsworth really excels in this movie. Honestly, if you thought he did well in movies like Heart of the Sea or Ragnarok, he is amazing here. Electric, convincing and dramatic. This is Hemsworth at his best portrayal so far! Cannot praise him enough.

Oh and the rumors about that incredible one-take fight scene? Words do not do it justice, it is absolutely phenomenal!

If you really wanted an action itch and were tired of rewatching John Wick 2 and Mission Impossible Fallout… Well, I don’t know how you could get tired of those, but Extraction is a fantastic addition to the action genre!

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