NYC: 4,000 People in Quarantine for Coronavirus

NYC: 4,000 People in Quarantine for Coronavirus

Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, has announced that there are 33 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the state, with five people hospitalized. As a precautionary measure, he has also stated that 4,000 people have been put in quarantine across the state – 2,700 in New York City, 1,000 in Westchester, and 70 in Nassau County. Only 44 of those numbers are in mandatory quarantine.

These additional cases that have popped up are connected to the lawyer from Westchester County, who was admitted to the hospital earlier this week.

Of those that tested positive for the virus was the rabbi of the Young Israel Synagogue in New Rochelle, and who also teaches at Yeshiva University in Washington Heights. He was in self-quarantine before now. The family of the lawyer attended services at the synagogue, while the elder son was also a student at Yeshiva.

Due to the nature of the virus spreading – called “community spreading” – Cuomo says he expects many more cases to appear, saying: ” There are going to be hundreds… The number of people who will be infected will continue to increase. It is going to be dozens and dozens and dozens.”

Two residents to have been confirmed with the virus are a 40-year old man and an 80-year old woman, both of whom are in critical condition, though with preexisting conditions. The man with respiratory issues related to smoking and vaping, and the women from her age.

More states have announced their own first cases of the virus, with Colorado reporting its first case just yesterday.

This also comes after President Trump has attempted to quell panic, yet again, but saying that the spread had been “stopped.”

After signing an $8.3 billion bill to help combat the spread, Trump urged people to calm down, saying that the spread will go away.

“In terms of cases, it’s very, very few because we have been very strong at the borders… This came unexpectedly, it came out of China, we closed it down, we stopped it, it was a very early shut down.

Obviously, this information isn’t true; the virus is continuing to spread throughout the country, and the world. It appears that Trump is trying to stop panic from occurring by claiming something that isn’t true, which is a very dangerous tactic.

The uncertainty of the virus is certainly something to take seriously, but it is important to note that the recovery rate for the virus is expected to be very high. While everyone is encouraged to seek medical attention if they need it, it is important not to treat this as something to panic over.

The uncertainty of the virus has also caused issues in the film, sports, and gaming industry. Just yesterday came the announcement that the new James Bond film had been delayed from April, and Italy recently announced its prohibition of fans attending sporting events.

On top of that, the stock market has taken a hit, with bond yields falling to a record low.

Hopefully, this new bill that the president signed can do a lot to help the government get closer to containing the virus, or finding a vaccine for it. Until then, be smart, be safe, wash your hands, and don’t touch your face.
