Panama Bans All Single-Use Plastic Bags

Panama Bans All Single-Use Plastic Bags

The use of plastic bags has become a curse for beaches in America. Birds, turtles, seals, whales, and fishes often swallow the plastic pieces and die because of this. Panama’s beaches are mostly occupied with plastic waste, especially near populated areas.

Panama has now prohibited the use of plastic bags becoming the first Central American country to ban single-use plastic bags.

According to The United Nations, pollution is one of the world’s biggest environmental challenges. In order to control pollution, in the streets of Panama City, signs with the expression “less bags, more life” reminded bystanders that the measure had gone live.

This phrase is seen everywhere reminding everyone not to accept and use plastic bags.

More than 60 countries have banned single-use plastic bags, totally or partially, or imposed taxes on its usage.

Panama supermarkets, pharmacies, and retailers are warned to stop using plastic bags immediately, while wholesale stores are given time till 2020 as for confirming the policy approved in 2018.
