People Converting Book-Sharing Libraries into Food Bands

People Converting Book-Sharing Libraries into Food Bands

People across the country are replacing shelves of books with shelves of non-perishable food and supplies for people in need.

Little Free Libraries, who has had locations around the country for people to donate books for others to take for free, has seen their locations turned into places for people to donate any food, water, or supplies that others might need.

Many of the locations have notes asking people to take what they need and leave what they can.

Goods such as toilet paper, which is selling out across the country, is also being stored in these locations.

The coronavirus pandemic has caused mass closures across the country, including bars, restaurants, and more. Some sources of income have also been taken away as a result, leaving people in need of food and supplies.

Luckily, we get to see a lot of the good in humanity come out during times like this, and this is another example of that. Really makes us believe that despite those who are trying to use it for their own benefit, the good will overpower the bad, and we will get through this together.

Go spread your own version of love today!

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