Pros And Cons Of Children Using Social Media

Pros And Cons Of Children Using Social Media

Teenagers and young children both use social media often today. Social media has many positive elements, but it also has some drawbacks, which is why some parents are hesitant to allow their young teenagers to use it extensively.

There are many causes for concern, including posture, blue light, poor social skills in “real life,” safety, attention span, and other dangers associated with screen use. Brutal instances of social media mishaps are constantly flooding our news feeds.

We have our own eyes and can see how computer addiction may change children, so it simply makes sense to want to protect them. Ironically, social media platforms often contribute to the attention that news items receive, even though we want to shield our children and put children protection strategies from the dangers and pressures that come with being online.

Are children increasingly at risk of danger online? Yes, in a few ways. Bullying is made easier by the ability of peers and adults to target their victims by using anonymous identities. Parents have every right to worry about the harmful effects of the internet. By creating clear boundaries with them, keeping a close eye on them, and often checking in and reinforcing your expectations, you may help prevent your child from succumbing to either of these situations.

It Gives The Impression That Everything Is Focused On Them

Saving themselves from family interaction, conflicts with siblings, and multiple family issues, children these days start living in a digital world of social media. They fake an entire life on social media. Receiving many likes and comments on a post you wrote can seem wonderful, even addictive. But this might lead a young youngster to deliberately seek attention in any way he can. For attention on social media, some teenagers have gone so far as to fabricate a pregnancy and occasionally a stillbirth to explain why they don’t have a baby nine months later. Additionally, a child craving attention may develop a narcissistic personality.

Online Bullying

If you traveled back in time ten years and told someone the phrase cyber bullying, you would assume that obnoxious robots had taken over society. This epidemic is so recent that some states are still changing the legislation to address instances where cyber bullying resulted in suicide or murder. Children affected by child abuse, rape, and abduction are not only a problem. Social media plays a role too in affecting children’s minds. Cyber bullying has been shown to raise cases of children going into depression and anxiety, resulting in suicide.

Reality And Virtual Life

Freeman writes in his book Freeman Explains! The importance of children’s interaction with their surroundings on a personal level. Real interaction aids in children’s worldview development. It raises confidence levels and actual social skills. Teenagers who become social media stars early on have a false sense of popularity. This is less beneficial than leading a genuine social life.

Interaction Helps In Social Skills

These online interactions may even become in-person friendships through school, extracurricular activities, and, eventually, their jobs. This can benefit introverted kids who can meticulously craft their online persona and social skills. With the right guidance and supervision, online connections may benefit the ever-evolving child trying to make sense of the world.

It’s Beneficial To Their Education

Teens can use social media to find solutions to queries about education that might or might not be presented in class. Without asking anyone, it enables teenagers to receive assistance from experts in various subjects. This is great because it probably increases teens’ knowledge of some topics beyond what they otherwise would have. Social media and education go hand in hand.

It Becomes Compulsive

Addiction to social media may be incredibly harmful to anyone, especially teenagers. Even if it’s fantastic for education, this can be a major distraction at crucial times with parental control. No one likes having family gatherings where everyone is fiddling with their phones, yet because social media is so addicting these days, it frequently occurs. This may be true for a variety of reasons. Some people feel more appreciated and like the attention that social media posts bring them.

It Adds More Drama

Drama in life is already abundant, particularly when you are growing up. Social networking is of no assistance here. Without body language or inflection, written words are simple to misinterpret. Additionally, people are more willing to communicate their divisive ideas and attitudes online than in person. It’s just another potential catalyst for needless drama.
