Tesla Moving Ahead to Reopen - Against Alameda County Ruling: "If anyone gets arrested, I ask that it only be me", Musk Says

Tesla Moving Ahead to Reopen – Against Alameda County Ruling: “If anyone gets arrested, I ask that it only be me”, Musk Says

… Into the Fire

Tesla has certainly had a turbulent month of closures and attempts to reopen. Recently, after Alameda County repeatedly told them not to, Tesla still tried to reopen. Even though California (including Alameda County) are allowing other manufacturers to reopen, causing a lot of tension.

It appears that Musk and Tesla are tired of waiting and sick of being told two different answers by different sources. According to Musk’s Twitter, as well as an official statement from the CEO, they will be reopening.

There’s a little bit of a catch though, they’ll be reopening regardless of what Alameda County chooses. So if they try to swing the banhammer again, Tesla is going to ignore it and continue to try and jumpstart work again.

How Did We Get to This Point?

Earlier last week, Tesla CEO Elon Musk sent out an email that workers should be prepared to return on Thursday. Citing that due to Alameda County not responding to their emails, they had no choice but to move ahead. When local authorities shut it down again, Musk and Tesla got very upset by the move.

After Alameda and local authorities refused to hear them out and place them on the essential list, it got ugly. Tesla officially sued the county of Alameda, and Elon Musk announced a plan to remove the factory. Saying that they have begun plans on moving the Tesla factory to Texas or Nevada.

Following that spat, a local leader in Alameda County Politics made a very unprofessional remark towards Tesla. Going even further when she disrespected and insulted Musk personally.

Tesla is definitely facing a rough time in their business model. Outside of all of the issues plaguing the California location, the factory in Shanghai shut down for a few days. Which put manufacturing production at zero percent.

Afterwards it was revealed that Tesla sales are down 63% in Asia, one of its strongest markets in the past.

Elon Musk and crew seem to have certainly had enough of the shutdowns and limitations. The CEO billionaire was frequently on interviews, earning calls and social media lambasting the limitations. Calling the Stay-At-Home Orders to be a gross injustice of freedom.


What do you make of Tesla’s newest decision/update? Do you think that they have a horse in this race or is Tesla’s days numbered? Let us know in the comments below!


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