Venom 2 is Delayed - 2021 brings the sequel and the official title

Venom 2 is Delayed – 2021 brings the sequel and the official title

Venom 2 is a rare movie in a way. It is being highly anticipated by fans and we’ve been wondering how director Andy Serkis will handle the sequel. Now, we have official news including the title, Venom 2: There Will be Carnage.

The sequel to the hit blockbuster Venom, will be shifting to a June 25th 2021 timeframe. That timeframe was originally being held by Matt Reeves’ Batman film, which has shifted to October 1st.

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We’ll be seeing the sequel bringing back Tom Hardy and Woody Harrelson for the respective roles from the last film. Focusing on the villainous Shriek and Carnage characters.

Andy Serkis has been pretty vocal about his desires with the film. Pushing for a stronger R-rating than the last film, focusing on more story telling. With talent like Tom Hardy and Harrelson, hopes are pretty high for the anticipated sequel.

What do you make of Venom 2’s delay? Are you surprised or are you happy that it’s being given a short delay? Be sure to let us know in the comments and follow us for more updates here at Scoophash!
