BORIS JOHNSON TESTS POSITIVE - UK Prime Minister has Coronavirus

BORIS JOHNSON TESTS POSITIVE – UK Prime Minister has Coronavirus

As the virus continues to ramp up during April, the apex will hit in about two days before it declines. And it seems that at least one more major politician is on the chopping block for COVID.

Earlier today, the UK’s very own Prime Minister confirmed that he had been positively diagnosed with the virus. He has since taken himself into self isolation on Downing Street where he plans to still run the country. At the very least, to the best of his abilities.

United Kingdom is currently experiencing a bit of a boom in COVID cases, as much of the US is expected to hit. With estimations varying from 200K active cases in the US and doubling expected to happen. 

Johnson made the announcement public on his Twitter page earlier today.

Several major politicians the world over have taken themselves into self isolation over growing concerns. Even though most individuals will inevitably recover, there is still a concern with the overall health of countries. 

Recently, Andrew Cuomo made a public announcement that NY would be seeing a relative return to normalcy. Stating that he plans to have everything back in place and running by April 26th. 

As things continue to escalate, and more cases begin to break out as younger people return from vacation, we just have to wait. Luckily, while the science is not exact, odds are you either already got it or you’re nearing the end. So hang in there and hopefully we all pull through this!

What do you make of Johnson’s announcement? Do you think this was inevitable? Be sure to leave us a comment and let us know what you think of how he’s handling the UK’s situation.
