Class Act, LeBron James Gives Free Tuition to 200 Students

Class Act, LeBron James Gives Free Tuition to 200 Students

The first class to be graduating from Lebron James’ I Promise School in Akron, Ohio received a life-changing surprise last Thursday.

The 11th-grade students were invited to spend a day at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio. When the students stepped into the auditorium, they were asked to look under the seats, where they found envelopes that changed everything.

Inside those envelopes was the announcement that Kent State has partnered with I Promise to give every single one of them free tuition for four years. Along with a year of free housing and meals.

All the students have to do is stay within good academic standing and perform volunteer work locally.

Posting on the Lebron James Foundation’s Twitter showed the students erupting in surprise when they received the news. As well as the parents, who were watching from another room, breaking out into tears.

What’s more is that the students don’t have to choose just Kent State, but they can also receive free tuition from the University of Akron.

For kids who come from an area where a choice for your future isn’t a given, this is huge for them.

James Has Always Been A Public Force for Good

The I Promise School was opened last year by James in his hometown, and it is dedicated to delivering a free education to under-privileged students. While also giving access to resources for parents such as GED programs and job searching help.

While these students were finding out about their bright future, another group of students from the school were sent to Chicago. Where the NBA All-Star events were happening, to get a “weekend of service & career exploration.”

James is known for his philanthropy work throughout his NBA career. This hit a brief road bump when his comments concerning the protests in Hong Kong received some harsh criticism.

However, James has not let that deter him from continuing to use his platform and gifts for good. There is no denying the amazing impact he has had on much of our country’s youth. 
