Flybe Collapses Under Coronavirus Strain

Flybe Collapses Under Coronavirus Strain

You’re not leaving on a jet plane

The Exeter based airline, Flybe collapses under the strain of travel cancellations as coronavirus runs rampant.

While the news was expected at some point, it was still quite a shock when Flybe cancelled every single flight. Not willing to take the risk Flybe chose to simply cancel everything, leaving over 2000 employees with an uncertain future.

Mark Anderson, the executive CEO of Flybe had this to say on the matter.

“This has been compounded by the outbreak of coronavirus which in the last few days has resulted in a significant impact on demand. Flybe has been a key part of the UK aviation industry for four decades, connecting regional communities, people and businesses across the entire nation. I thank all our partners and the communities we have been privileged to serve. Above all I would like to thank the Flybe team for their incredible commitment and dedication.”  

Mark Anderson, Flybe

Flybe was unfortunately never in a great financial position. After their purchase they consistently had issues keeping the airline afloat. all that remained was for COVID-19 to break out. Now that travel has become problematic, all Flybe could do was wait.

This was not exclusively a COVID-19 concern that causes the Flybe collapse

Problems seem to have been around for quite a while however. The British Airline Pilots Association was quite vocal recently as to what they believe prompted the collapse. Briant Strutton, the general secretary of the BAPA had this to say on the matter:

“Six weeks ago, when the ownership consortium lost confidence, the government promised a rescue package, apparently at that time recognising the value of Flybe to the regional economy of the UK. Throughout, pilots, cabin crew and ground staff have done their jobs brilliantly, while behind the scenes the owners and, sadly, government connived to walk away.  Flybe staff will feel disgusted at this betrayal and these broken promises.”

Brian Strutton, BAPA

News like this certainly bodes ill for the travel industry. With numerous reports of flight cancellations, reduced public travel and officials urging people to not go to group events.

Speaking of which, we’ve seen more than a handful of events cancelled as well. After COVID-19 kept ramping up, numerous companies pulled out of events like SxSW and GDC. Most recently we’ve seen even more companies leaving the huge gaming event E3, leaving it’s future in doubt.

As things continue to even out, it will certainly rebound for certain groups who practiced caution. Unfortunately, not everyone is doing so.

