Hong Kong: Major Governments Condemn Beijing's Actions

House Pulls Controversial Surveillance Bill Among Backlash

Republicans Overturn Controversial Bill

If you weren’t paying much attention to politics, you probably would not even know that this bill existed. Essentially it works like this; FISA authorizes agencies like CIA, NSA and FBI to do whatever they want. If you think that’s an exaggeration, it very well could be, but this Bill certainly made it easier.

After quite a bit of public outcry and Republican opposition, it appears that the Bill will not be passed. The Democratic Senate members have been pushing for this Bill since early May.

Now, on May 28th, 2020, the Bill was overturned in the House. Steny Hoyer, The House Majority Leader, said that they will be pulling the Bill from consideration:

“At the request of the speaker of the House, I am withdrawing consideration of the FISA Act. The two-thirds of the Republican Party that voted for this bill in March have indicated they are going to vote against it now. I am told they are doing so at the request of the president. I believe this to be against the security interest of the United States and the safety of the American people.”

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Democratic leaders, such as Nancy Pelosi, are not fans of the result. Saying that they would expect everyone to be on the same page when it comes to matters of national security.

However, it is precisely that concern that prompted a vigorous response once digging was done into the details. FISA can effectively give full control over to an FBI probe based on minor evidence.

Public Perception is a Big Factor

When you mix in the news that major companies like Google and Apple are creating tracking software, it’s a problem. Additionally when people like Snowden reveal to the public that the NSA is less than altruistic.

Last year we also had massive protests in Hong Kong when it came to public surveillance measures. Certainly this bill is not the same thing, but many people view it as a stepping stone for the same result.

This bill is also causing quite a stir among the political parties due to its nature in the Proxy Voting Lawsuit. Voting by Proxy got a controversial change to the rules when the Democrats voted in a change that would allow other senators to vote for absentee members.

There’s still a chance that we could see the bill get passed regardless. Whatever side of the conversation that you fall on, we can all agree that whatever is better for the people is usually better for the nation.

Time will tell what happens with the FISA Bill and if it will pass. Let us know what you think in the comments below.


Stay tuned here at Scoophash for more updates on the FISA bill as it comes out.

