Star of films like The Fellowship of the Ring, Ian Holm has sadly passed away.

Ian Holm, Star of Lord of the Rings and Alien, Passes Away at 88

There and Back Again

He may not be immediately known to you by name, but a quick glance at his filmography and it’s obvious how talented he was. While we recognize Ian Holm for his work in Lord of the Rings and Alien, there was much more that he did.

The British born actor has quite a legacy that he leaves behind. Winning a BAFTA, a Tony a Laurence Olivier and an Oscar Nomination. Also holding a place in the extremely prestigious Royal Shakespeare Academy, Ian Holm is an acting legend among those familiar with him.

Arguably, where Ian Holm would first break into world wide recognition was his role as Ash in Ridley Scott’s Alien. Alien itself truly needs no introduction, it’s cemented itself as one of the most terrifying, well paced and nail biting thrillers of all time.

Ash was the Android on board the Nostromo, the one that tries to kill Ripley. Holm’s deadpan delivery and matter of fact statements really brought the character to life, and is considered one of the best parts.

Then, he got picked out by Peter Jackson for his role as Bilbo Baggins in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Going down as three of the greatest films ever made, Ian Holm lent all of his talent to creating Bilbo as a character. And his work speaks for itself in the films.

He would also appear in Ratatouille as Skinner, the chef that gets replaced about halfway through the film. Also lending his voice to replaying Ash in the video game Alien: Isolation.

Sadly, Not Much Could Be Done

Sadly, the actor suffered from Parkinson’s Disease, and his unfortunate passing is the result of his long fight against it. A statement from Holm’s agent confirmed it.

“It is with great sadness we can confirm that the actor Sir Ian Holm CBE passed away this morning at the age of 88. He died peacefully in hospital, with his family and carer. His illness was Parkinson’s related. He was a genius of stage and screen, winning multiple awards and loved by directors, audiences and his colleagues alike. His sparkling wit always accompanied a mischievous twinkle in his eye. Charming, kind and ferociously talented, we will miss him hugely.”

Not just the fans will be missing his presence, his loss to the industry will be felt throughout the hierarchy of filmmakers. Fans all over are mourning the loss of one of the defining characters of many of our childhoods. Bilbo and Ash are two characters that a lot of us recognize.

Not only due to the films importance, and not only because they were popular, but because Ian Holm brought them to life.

Rest in peace Sir Ian Holm, you are already missed.
