A lot of us are staying home for a little while, many of us are struggling to come up with new things to do and some of us are just kicking back. Well, luckily if you were worried about data caps on your internet, you’re actually covered most likely.
For the first time in a long time, it seems that internet providers are being the good guys for a change.
AT&T as well as Comcast are removing data cap limits during a period of time while COVID quarantines are in effect. Including Comcast making their numerous Xfinity WiFi hotspots free to anyone who needs them.

You do not have to create a login, sign up for services, just select the WiFi and launch a browse.
Comcast is also allowing mercy delays for people who cannot afford their internet bill due to lack of work. Meaning, if you’re stuck at home and have not logged in any hours, Comcast has got you covered. It is yet unclear as to how long that mercy period will last, but it is a kind gesture nonetheless.
Not Only financial help
They’re also offering free educational and Coronavirus updates to those who are stuck out of school. Simply by saying “education” or “coronavirus” into your Xfinity Flex Remote will pull up relevant news and topics.
“Our hope is that broader access and faster speeds will help all of our Internet Essentials customers more easily work from home, access educational resources, obtain important government health care alerts, and stay in contact with their families during this difficult time.”
Dana Strong, Comcast
While this won’t bring back sports, or reduce delays of movies (for which we’ve got ideas to help with that) it is nice to see. Especially when history has been unkind to internet providers in the past and many were worried about potential bills.
Regardless of all of this, do not let this become an excuse to freak out and start hoarding more stuff so you can stay home indefinitely. COVID is not going to last long and things will be back to normal by mid Spring.
Until then, stay tuned here for new updates and let us know how you’re getting along so far!