Johnny Depp is Taking a Break From the Infamous Court Case

Johnny Depp is Taking a Break From the Infamous Court Case

For lack of a better intro, we’re not here to pass judgement on either party.

Johnny Depp and his estranged wife Amber Heard have been at the center of a bit of controversy over the last year or so. What started out as a claim from Heard that Depp was abusive.

That quickly spiraled into video evidence from Depp that the opposite was true.

Things sort of slowed down and not much was really updated about it, and it turns out that it was on purpose. For the upcoming film Minimata that Depp is a large part of, he’s choosing to step away.

Unfortunately, it’s far too easy to take sides on a topic like this. Hopefully things pan out for the best, whatever way that looks, its far too early to say.
