Scientists Find Ways to Increase Diesel Engine Effectiveness

Scientists Find Ways to Increase Diesel Engine Effectiveness

A team from Yale-NUS College, in collaboration with scientists from Sweden, have found a connection between bisulphates species and with catalysts in the exhaust stream, paving the way for the lowering of toxic nitrogen oxides in emissions.

The research was carried out by Yale-NUS College postdoctoral fellows, Susanna Liljegren Bergman and Vitaly Mesilov, undergraduate researcher, Xiao Yang, and Professor of Science, Steven Bernasek, carried out this research. They worked with Sandra Dahlin and Professor Lars Pettersson in Sweden, and Dr. Xi Shibo at the Singapore Synchrotron Light Source of the National University of Singapore.

Catalysts made of copper-exchanged zeolites with a chabazite framework (Cu-CHA) are the most efficient mean to lower toxic emissions right now. But earlier studies showed that Cu-CHA catalysts’ efficacy is reduced by sulfur oxides that are also present in exhaust, which can reduce the effectiveness at preventing the escape of nitrogen oxides.

Now, with a better understanding of how sulphates affect catalysts, future work can be done to see how negative effects can be reduced. It can also lead to the creation of catalysts in biodiesel-powered engines that are more effective.

It is a good step forward in helping to manage the environmental and atmospheric impact of diesel engines and fuel, helping to curb the negative effects we have seen for a long time.
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