STRANGER THINGS POSTPONED - Netflix puts down a hard delay

STRANGER THINGS POSTPONED – Netflix puts down a hard delay

Despite everything being shut down and delayed due to COVID concerns, Netflix seemed to have escaped unscathed. No longer it seems, Stranger Things and all in progress Netflix movies and shows are delayed until further notice. Hardest of all is Stranger Things postponed until further notice.

This news comes from a release from Netflix earlier today, March 13th. Netflix is shutting down all effective productions and shoots for a minimum of two weeks to assist in safety precautions.

Unfortunate news for anyone who was excited for the newest season of Stranger Things or any other upcoming projects. Luckily, if things stay on track, the shoots should be back up and running by the end of March.

Stranger Things is the hit series from Netflix that debuted back in 2016. Reminiscent of old school SciFi thrillers like X-Files, it became an instant hit among fans and critics. 

Many were eagerly awaiting the fourth season in the series after a couple of massive cliffhangers. Despite lower ratings for Season 3, the trailer for Season 4 was a massive hit, and it seemed like hype was high.

Sadly we may end up getting a delayed season if things continue. One thing to consider is that most likely the first few episodes are already in the middle of reshoots. Meaning that even if the season gets split up or delayed, they don’t have to go back to square one.

Hopefully this does not last, Stranger Things is one of many projects and movies to be delayed because of COVID. Were you excited for season four? Does this break your heart? Well we have a few lists to check out if you’re feeling down! Be sure to leave a comment and let us know what you make of this.
