SURPRISE, SURPRISE: Person Tests Positive for COVID-19 After Attending "Coronavirus Party"

SURPRISE, SURPRISE: Person Tests Positive for COVID-19 After Attending “Coronavirus Party”

While most people are trying to practice social distancing, some young people in Kentucky decided to have a “Coronavirus Party”, and what do you know? One of them has tested positive for the virus.

Kentucky Governor, Andy Beshear, said that the young people got together because they thought “they were invincible.” He expressed his anger in them purposefully defying the guidance issued by the state on social distancing.

“This is one that makes me mad. We have to be much better than that,” Beshear said. Anyone who goes to something like this may think they’re indestructible, but it’s someone else’s loved one they’re going to hurt.”

There have been more than 52,000 reported cases. According to Beshear, there are 163 cases in Kentucky.

All we have to say about this is: is it really so hard to just do what you’re told? We get it, this time is hard for a lot of us, but going out doing this kind of stuff is only going to make the situation worse. Be smart, people.

For all your absurd party news and more, be sure to check back in here at ScoopHash.
