The Clone Wars Finale Review - It's... Perfect.

The Clone Wars Finale Review – It’s… Perfect.

Claiming that any episode or movie is perfect is obviously going to draw some strong criticism. While Star Wars has seen a lot of ups and downs over the last few years, this is an upside. Let me tell you, this is not only some of the best Star Wars, but the best, period.

The episode picks up right where Episode 11 ended, Ahsako successfully freed Rex from the microchip. Old friends face each other down as they realize that they will most likely die. But, in order to live, they have to kill old allies turned evil.

Incredibly poetic and reminiscent of the same shock value that audiences experienced when Order 66 played out the first time. This episode is so chock full of incredible moments that are completely unique to The Clone Wars. However, what makes it so memorable is how writer Dave Filoni uses fans’ knowledge of Revenge of the Sith. It does not tread down memory lane like Rise of Skywakler did, it takes its own stance and improves on the world it inhabits.

Ashley Eckstein and Dee Bradley Baker are at the top of their games in this episode. Both actors bring out the strongest emotional acting that they’ve ever done, and I teared up and straight up cried at the end. Seeing Rex have to face down his brothers after 7 long seasons was heartbreaking. Additionally, seeing Ahsoka make her final decision in the end was so poetically perfect I cannot put it into words.

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All of this means nothing if it does not stick the landing, and holy hell does it stick the landing. Filoni uses the last 6 minutes of the episode to masterful effect. There is no dialogue, no shouting and no epic action. Instead, there’s haunting melodic music and incredible cinematography. Storytelling in its finest form right here folks.

Speaking of music, Kevin Kiner outdid himself and cemented himself right alongside Williams and Giacchino. This soundtrack and the ending score is the best Star Wars soundtrack since Revenge of the Sith.

Cinematography here is taken to another level as well. There are so many incredible scenery moments that are wallpaper worthy and jaw dropping. Remember how good the cinematography was in The Last Jedi? It’s on the same level here, and this is a motion capture animated show.

Finally, this episode also ties itself into the first season of Rebels but paves the way for new stories in between the shows. Which in my humble opinion, is one of the best ways to end a show. Leave your mark, but leave room for someone else to come along and improve upon it.

Long story short, this finale is perfect. Both as a Star Wars fan and a filmmaker, there is no faults to be found here in this episode. Every moment, every frame, every line, every action, every piece of music, is perfect.


Thank you Dave Filoni for 7 incredible seasons. Thank you to all the crew and actors who brought us this experience, you should be proud of what you accomplished! This is the best Star Wars cinematic experience, period.

