Amy Klobuchar Drops out of Presidential Race, Endorses Joe Biden

Amy Klobuchar Drops out of Presidential Race, Endorses Joe Biden

Amy Klobuchar drops out of presidential race, the senator from Minnesota is officially finished. Klobuchar, who presented herself as a pragmatic ideal, ended her presidential run.

Her exit comes shortly after her finish in sixth place in last Saturday’s South Carolina primary. Winning only 3.1 percent of the votes, she essentially had no choice but to surrender the race.

Klobuchar did enjoy some surges, especially after the Feburary 7th debate. She knuckled down on her Midwestern appeal and criticized the Medicare-for-all and insisted on building on Obama’s acts.

Where she was also very vocal was her disgust at sexism. she was insistently vocal at her insistence that women are held to a high standard.

Klobuchar’ absence will cetainly lend some assistance to other Democratic nominees. However, her throwing support behind Biden instead of Sanders, Warren or Bloomberg is odd.


What do you think of Klobuchar’s drop from the race? Expected? Painful? Be sure to let us know in the comments.
