Auburn Professor Says; "Don't panic, markets go up. Markets go down."

Auburn Professor Says; “Don’t panic, markets go up. Markets go down.”

In the midst of a hugely fluctuating market, one professional has given a more optimistic outlook. Or perhaps just simply more pragmatic.

John Jehera, a Professor of Finance at Auburn University’s Harbert College of Business. This man is the one behind a more simple statement about the current fluctuations in the finance market.

One area in particular that he did note was going to hurt was that of the stimulus packages. Saying that unless we take cuts from other forms of spending, we’re going to see massive increases in taxes. Which is something that many taxpayers and senators have been vocal about since the CARES Act launched.

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“So pay attention, do your homework and don’t panic. That’s the key thing. Don’t panic. Markets go up. Markets go down. Our markets will come back, probably in the fourth quarter of this year.”

There is a way that the US Government is trying to offset this tax concern. Which is selling securities to investors/businesses that purchase/invest in federal properties. However, that comes with its own concern as to that of inflation as the GDP decreases.

Jehera believes that because of a strong fourth quarter in 2019, the rebound will be great post-COVID.

He also enunciated the same points that a lot of other financial professors and analysts are recommending. Which is to buy stocks, invest while it’s cheap and just wait it out.


What do you think of Jehera’s outlook on the financial situation? Do you agree with him that we just need to wait it out and invest while we can? Be sure to let us know in the comments below!


Stay tuned with us here at Scoophash for more updates on finances as they come out!
