Christopher Nolan just wants to help out the little guy, he isn't worried about his film making money

Christopher Nolan Doesn’t Care if Tenet is a Box Office Flop

Rewind Time Everybody

Turns out, Christopher Nolan is not worried about the Summer release either way. Tenet has been one of the biggest hype movies of the last 3 years, and audiences are eagerly awaiting it. But, considering that most movie theaters are still shut down, it doesn’t look good.

Even when movie theaters do reopen, they’re going to have to implement new policies to ensure safety. So numbers are going to be regulated a lot more than usual. Is Nolan worried about this change? Turns out, no he really isn’t.

It already hasn’t been an easy road to even get Tenet released to the public. Originally slated for a mid June release, the date was pushed back to mid July. Then, halfway through July, Warner Bros delayed it again to late August. Shifting it further and further every time, making everyone wonder if we’d ever see it in theaters.

Especially when it seemed that VoD was going to be the new norm moving forward. Universal in particular got a lot of flak from theaters and filmmakers for going hard on demand titles. Removing films like Trolls: World Tour from a theater venue and releasing it on VoD services instead.

Nolan on the other hand, wants to show solidarity with local movie theaters and chains alike. He wants to show that he stands behind the theaters and give them a reason to push forward.

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If Any Film Can Do It, Tenet Can

Right now, Tenet is one of Nolan’s most ambitious films. Which is saying quite a bit for the director. Unfortunately, with the entertainment world being like it is, the film may struggle to break even with it’s $200 million budget.

On top of just being in an entirely new landscape, there’s also another big film releasing in the same time slot. Disney’s Mulan is releasing alongside Tenet, which will vampire off of Nolan’s fan appeal.

No doubt both companies will push their films as hard as they can to be a success. Both of the film companies desperately need the money right now. At least in terms of film budgets they need the money.

Equally hard to determine, is who will win out that weekend. Certainly, Tenet is one of the most anticipated movies of the year, not to mention the last three years. However, Disney has a lot of appeal to casual audiences, and they are vastly more well known than Christopher Nolan.

For us, we’re vastly more excited for Tenet than we are for Mulan. Suffice to say that we will be doing our part to give Tenet some much needed financial success!


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