Joker Better Than Parasite? Well, If You Ask The Internet, Yes It Is

Joker Better Than Parasite? Well, If You Ask The Internet, Yes It Is

Just in time for the ending of the 92nd Annual Academy Awards, we have an opinion article for you guys in relation to the reactions.

It’s been taught for years, if not since its inception, that film is subjective. That is whats taught, is it not? However, when it comes to films being awarded for their merit, should subjectivity still be in place? 

In the opinion of this humble writer. No, it should not. Subjectivity has no place in what movies should or should not win awards, regardless of the award given.

This brings us to today’s topic, the absurd amount of vitriol over Parasite winning best Picture at the Academy Awards. Specifically VS the fan favorite movie of Joker.

Now let me make one thing abundantly and unceremoniously clear. I loved Joker, even going so far as to name it my favorite film of the year. However, in comparison to the talents of Bong Joon Ho, it was clear to me that Parasite was the superior film in every stretch.

Joker had one leg up on the competition that it was against. Or rather two legs. In the form of Hildur Guðnadóttir and her impeccable scoring of the comic book movie. And of course, Joaquin Phoenix’s mesmerizing performance as the psychopathic afflicted Arthur Fleck.

Much to both of their credit, they carried a movie that was for every intent and purpose; a remake of Taxi Driver meets The King of Comedy. Not to say these are bad movies to take inspiration from, they’re some of the best thriller cinema in history.

However, this does mean that these two artists were really the only thing original about Joker. So on objective merit, it won the two categories that it absolutely deserved to win.

When your competition is nearly perfect in every aspect of its editing, cinematography and writing you do not deserve to win over it. Parasite nailed all three of those categories and went over and above all three in pitch perfect execution.

Bong Joon Ho and crew showed that not only is a modern fairy tale able to be completely original. Also that with the right crew around you, that it can transcend traditional bias against foreign films that require attention to the structure.

I do understand that people will have opinions. I will not pretend that I can change people’s subjective opinions. However, as I stated above, this stuff should be above subjectivity. And as much as I love Joker, and as much as it deserves the praise and money it acquired, Parasite was the better film.

What did you think of Parasite winning best picture? Agree? Disagree? Be sure to leave a comment and follow us on social media for more updates and opinions! Subscribe to our YouTube channel for articles and content that does not always make its way to our website!
