Kamala Harris Renews Her Call for General Attorney Barr to Resign

Kamala Harris Renews Her Call for General Attorney Barr to Resign

In the wake of Michael Flynn not being charged with a crime, Kamala Harris has begun to renew her calls for Attorney General William Barr to resign.

Flynn, who pleaded guilty in 2017 to lying to federal investigators in relation to Russian interference in the 2016 elections. However, the charges against Flynn have been dropped, leaving many, including Harris, to demand Barr to leave his post.

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Many view the dropping of the charges to be a sign of favoritism and lack of integrity within the justice department. Something that has long-plagued Barr during his tenure. His close connections to President Trump and others in the administration have led many to believe corruption is permeating throughout the entire system.

Barr has led many to believe that his actions and efforts serve the purpose of benefiting the president, and this recent dropping of charges is no different. Plenty of people have taken to social media and the internet to express their concerns over Barr’s intentions and loyalties.

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