Last Patient Discharged from USNS Comfort

Last Patient Discharged from USNS Comfort

The last patient has been discharged from the USNS Comfort, the mobile, military hospital that was sent to New York in late March.

The last, remaining patient left the ship today, though it was not mentioned whether they would be transferred to a hospital or are leaving treatment altogether.

The ship was initially sent by President Trump to help with the surge in cases of the coronavirus. During that time, hospitals were being overwhelmed by more than 2,000 patients flooding in every day and the death toll spiking to 800 per day. The ship was initially meant to serve as a 1,000-bed hospital that was to only take on an overflow of non-coronavirus patients. That was changed on April 7th, when Trump signed an order to convert 500-bed facility for coronavirus patients when Governor Cuomo asked the president to do so.

But as social distancing and lockdown orders helped stop the virus’ spread, the ship was never needed for its maximum capabilities.

Now, the ship will head back to Norfolk, Virginia to undergo maintenance, restock, and prepare for its next mission.

Cuomo expressed his gratitude for having the ship present, even with them not needing it as expected, saying, “I believe Comfort not only brought comfort but also saved lives.”

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