Ontario Reports Lowest Case Count in Weeks - Soft Reopening Begins

Ontario Reports Lowest Case Count in Weeks – Soft Reopening Begins

A Ray of Sunshine

Earlier this month we briefly covered the controversy surrounding Doug Ford, Ontario’s premier. Now, despite a decrease in active cases, Ontario has changed a few things around.

For the first time in six weeks, Ontario is actively trending downward in new cases. Doug Ford gave a somewhat more optimistic outlook in terms of the recent trend, much improved over his last outburst.

“There are many reasons to be optimistic, These numbers are a good sign.”

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There were some notable changes in terms of Ford’s original plan. Initially Ford and his cabinet reported there were no reopening plans in place for a few weeks. As cases continued to dwindle however, Ford changed his tune and made some decisions.

Namely, places like hardware stores, some curbside and a few retail stores were given reopening options. With social distancing measures still in place it made it relatively easier for Ontario to get back on track.

More Plans Down the Pipeline

Now, as they look towards the future, Ford wants to discuss reopening schools. Planning for something like that will require a lot of conversation. Both in terms of how to handle students as well as how to handle teachers among social distancing requirements.

There’s at least some cause to consider some optimism, a bright change of pace for Ontario and Canada as a whole.

After the release by Prime Minister Trudeau, many are concerned about the longevity of Canada’s plans. With analyst reports stating that if any country could see permanent economic impact, it would be Canada.

Mix in the recent tragedy in Toronto that caused Trudeau to ban 1500 types of guns, and tensions are high. When Ford said there was no plan for weeks, he was inadvertently starting a wildfire of anti-sentiment.

Luckily, with some soft reopenings and a swift decrease in cases, Ontario and Canada are on track. Hopefully things continue to be a positive change as the world tries to adjust.


Let us know what you think of Canada’s newest numbers in the comments below! Follow us here at Scoophash for more updates!
